Considering the fact that the men are the breadwinners in many African communities, the death of a husband causes significant financial and economic setbacks to the family. The widows are left to fern for their children, sometimes with very limited and no resources at all. In some rare cases, the culture allows the widows to be adopted as wives by brothers (or relatives) of their deceased husbands without necessarily seeking their consent. This will be how they and their children are traditionally guaranteed protection and support. This makes this not only an economic but also a dignity issue. Most of these widows are young and industrious. With a little help, they can sustain their families and maintain their personal dignity.
Through WEEP, Hope Rising Foundation (HRF) is empowering women, especially widows to determine their future and that of their families, and also preserve their dignity as persons. The beneficiaries are also trained basic skills of entrepreneurship to help them in their businesses.
WEEP is a program through which indigent but capable widows are given interest-free loans to begin small businesses or to invest in their existing businesses, if they already own some, and so enhance their growth and profit margins. In this way they can be of better support to their families. The selection process is rigorous. Applicants are first of all screened by their local community and church leaders prior to approval by the board of the local affiliate of HRF. They are closely monitored after receiving loans, for accountability purposes. The loan could be recycled after a year, for those who complied with the terms.
There are already twenty (20) women benefiting from this program. The goal is to support as many as necessary, to help reduce poverty among widows, to empower them, and affirm their personal dignity. We welcome donations to help us accomplish this goal.
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